Rodrigo and I have set up a schedule for when we will have our story boards done by, as well as when we plan on shooting. I've recruited a couple friends onto my team for our acting cast as well as extra camera men, all members are skilled in the position i've placed them in for the best results. As of now Rodrigo is out of town, he plans to return next week on the 19th. By then we need to be sure we are ready to film and get things done!
I've begun my story boarding process and finished a couple scenes already, to my knowledge Rodrigo has begun his story boarding as well. Although at first I was pretty iffy on the whole idea of our introduction, it's grown on me and now i'm constantly brainstorming new scenes and ideas for it. Excessive brainstorming? Could be a good thing, or a bad thing.... We'll just have to wait and see!
arrivederci, Christopher Lynch

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